I got published on Elephant Journal!

Zoya Seth
2 min readDec 4, 2021

Yesterday was the best day of my life! I’ve used this line many days- oh the optimist that I am haha. Alors, I can’t limit this joy to myself.

It had always been a dream to be published on a known, internationally renowned magazine where I go through the whole process of applying, being rejected and trying again. One of my writing pieces was finally chosen by a magazine I’ve been reading since I was a dumbhead teen- The Elephant Journal! I remember marvelling at the beautiful stories shared by people from all over the world.

Today, I am a part of this group, these writers who’ve shared a piece of their journey with the world.

This selected piece is very close to my heart and covers my father and my journey to building a healthy and nurturing relationship after my mother’s death. I remember finishing this off at one of the CCD’s at Connaught Place.

Writing brilliantly in cafes is definitely not a done to death cliche.

So, without further ado. Please spare a moment to read it when you have the time. Please read it when your mind and heart are free to savour it. This incredible news pushes me to keep writing- not just the professional shizz that pays my bills but more for myself.

One thing that has started to diminish in the busyness of professional writing stuff.

This piece is a reminder of the bigger things that my words are meant to do. And man, does it fill me with an incomprehensible joy!!



Zoya Seth

This is my safe & sacred space. If you like reading it, you can contact me at sethzoya1@gmail.com